Time Travel

The Photography Studio has been here for a year, now, and since it exists so you can make "ancestor portraits for time travelers," it seemed natural to give this contest the theme TIME TRAVEL.
There are 3 ways to make entries:
1. Use the (provided) HUD frames ('wear"), find a great location, dress in any way that you think makes a good picture, take your pictures anywhere in Second Life.
2. Use the giant frames in the upstairs gallery - stand in them, use poses, outfits, and props to express your TIME TRAVEL idea. [I won't be able to set these up until the exhibit comes down on May 12th.]
3. Make your own original HUD or frame, take your picture anywhere in Second Life.
To get the 10 free HUDs, click the TIME TRAVEL poster in the window of the Photography Studio, Grignano 113, 117, 27. The information notecard has HUDs, examples, pictures from past contests, and this same information.
To Enter:
Enter textures.
You can use a graphics program if you desire.
Title entries with your name + title <---= so I don't lose it in my inventory
Send them to Osprey Therian with MOD permission and COPY perms.
Give me an IM so I know to look for them.
5 Entries is the limit.
Second Life screenshots using HUDs provided, frames upstairs from the Photo Gallery, or your own original HUDs or frames.
Upstairs frames will be up from May 13th through May 27th.
Entries accepted until May 27th at 5:30pm
The show will go up on the 28th - and we will have an awards ceremony at 3pm on Monday, May 29th.
Prizes will be: 400L, 300L, 200L, 100L, 50L
If I get enough* entries I will have prizes for the PAST and prizes for the FUTURE - 2100L in all
* I think 30 entries would be enough
The Photography Studio is located in The Brownstone East, Grignano
Grignano is a pg sim. <--=
I am glad you are posting this contest info on the art news blog! It can easily be referred to this way without sorting through our terrifying inventories.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
You can use a graphics program if you desire.
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