Contest 23: UI Abstraction
Theme: UI Abstraction
This contest requires you to investigate the User Interface and find those settings (mainly in De-Bug) that will make teh freaky pix... *clears throat* ...I mean will make interesting abstract compositions.
To get started:
Control-Alt-Shift toggles the Client and Server menus.
Try setting something - experiment with, say,
CLIENT--> RENDERING--> INFO DISPLAYS --> OCTREE. What about combining that with COMPOSITION? Play around :D
Don't forget the choices in the Snapshot interface - Object Mattes and Depth.
Don't forget that you can "tear off" menus so you don't have to open/close a million times.
To Enter:
Enter textures of Second Life screenshots.
Textures can be no bigger than 512x512 - rectangular photos saved as 512x512 regain their proportions once they are put on a prim.
Title up to 3 entries with your name + title <---= so I don't lose it in my inventory
Send them to Osprey Therian in a with MOD permission and COPY perms.
Give me an IM so I know to look for them.
Don't send them in a notecard - I say this as I look at textures every day but I rarely look at notecards. If I don't get your heads-up the entry gets buried under the billion spam notecards I get per week.
I hate it when things get lost - the only entries to've been lost thus far were in notecards.
This time no categories. Unmanipulated or manipulated are both OK but I haven't been getting enough entries to warrant two categories.
Entries accepted until January 20th at 5:30pm .
We will have an awards ceremony (probably on Monday, 22 January 2007).
Cash prizes.
The Photography Studio is located in The Brownstone East, Grignano
Grignano is a pg sim. <--=