Farewell to Starax
Promises, By Starax Statosky
Starax's departure from SL was a tremendous loss to anyone who knew and loved him or his artwork. The works produced by Starax have been an inspiration for new people entering Second Life and for many of us who appreciated in them the essence of the SL spirit -- creativity, beauty, endless possibilities, an opportunity to be playful.
Starax's wand, undoubtedly one of the most amazing items ever made in Second Life, was deeply affected by the last client update. This single object allowed the person wearing it to temporarily resolve in the world sculptures/small scenes based on keywords entered in the chat box. The aftermath of dealing with the glitches of the update ended with Starax leaving SL, completely canceling his account, and selling his virtual property.
Kate Proudhon and her hippo, Warren :)
Kate Proudhon, curator of the Tye Dye Plaza Gallery, fell in love with Starax's works after seeing his animal renditions, in particular his hippopotami. She had never met the artist "in person" and she is still new here, at just 3 months of Second Life. However, the artwork has left such a deep impression on her that she is organizing a small get-together tomorrow, August 19th at 4pm, in fond memory of Starax and the multitude of ways in which he touched people.
Join us on Topgol, at 4 PM SLT. :)